How to enter dishes in batches

Login on Restaurant POS Settings

Default login credentials are:

  • User : 999

  • Password :

Go to Restaurant Menu then click Import Menu Template

Click the Export button then choose the path where you want to save the template then enter the name of the template

Open the exported menu template then fill it out

  • Main_Menu is the main category menu

  • Secondary_Menu is the sub category menu in each main category menu

  • Menu_item this is where to put all you dishes

The Main menu name and Secondary menu name must be same with all the sheets to avoid error

Example: I will add Dessert Under Main Course main menu

Then I will add Vanilla Ice Cream under Dessert and enter the price of it

Save the file then go back to Restaurant POS Settings

Go to Restaurant Menu then click Import Menu Template

Click Empty Menu Items then Yes button

Click Browse Button then look for the menu template that you've edit and click Import

Restart the Restaurant POS system to sync the changes.

Go to Sales Menu then click Menu Item/Course and check if the dishes you add is already reflected

Configure the printer group to finish the process

How to set up a printing group for the dishes and print a kitchen order

Last updated