How to set a package menu

Login on Restaurant POS Settings

Default login credentials are:

  • User : 999

  • Password :

Go to Sales Menu then click Menu Item/Course

Choose a dish for package

Double click it or click the Edit button above

Under the type, Click the Course then click the Course button

Click the Save button below

Choose the required group by clicking the Add button

Click the checkbox to choose the required group then click the OK button

Click Add button to add another choices for this package example is Drinks then click the Save button

You can click also the required button here or if you want to only choose 1 or more item example is only 2 drinks can be click among the choice, you will put under Choosed number is 2

Click the Add button

Click the checkbox to choose the required group then click the OK button

Click the Save button to finish the setup.

Go to Restaurant POS and login

Test the condiments by placing an order

Last updated